Monday, December 30, 2013

Why My Blog Posts are Horribly Written

Hint: It's not because I can't write.

Tl;dr - Quantity with minor edits would make me a better writer than perfecting posts.
Efficiency = Quality / Speed

I've been self-teaching myself the piano for the past 7 years to a mixed degree of success. I can play a couple tough songs (by tough, I mean it sounds challenging enough that I wouldn't mind playing in front of guests), but I can barely sight read and have very little understanding of theory. My musical abilities rely on brute repetitive practice and muscle memory, which obviously are not characteristic of a talented pianist.

However recently, I've went down a few notches and started playing simpler songs that I can sight read almost flawlessly within 2-3 attempts. I must've been through a few dozen of these songs, and I can already notice that my ability to play an unfamiliar piece has significantly improved.

The reasoning is quite obvious--if one of my weaknesses is sight reading, then I should sight read a lot. Mastering a beautiful song over a few months quickly becomes tedious, and any benefit to sight reading disappears after a few playthroughs.

I view blog writing the same way. I want to organize and structure my thoughts in my head quickly and be able to freewrite them down without outlining. The only way I can do that is practice organizing my thoughts as I freewrite.

A quick readthrough can help identify flaws, and peer review can give an outside perspective. But perfection is not a priority right now. I want efficiency (quality/speed) and would rather not waste 80% of my time in the editing stage.

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