Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Writing Experiment - Blogs without scroll

A lot of people who strive to improve their writing muscle embark on a daily writing challenge, usually consisting of 1000 words every day for 100 or 365 days. I've tried several of these myself, but I'm going to reveal my sad truth--I can't do it.

Well, to elaborate, I can't write 1000 words of publishable content a day. Some days, I have more important things to do than share a fleeting thought--like spending time with family. Other's I'd rather opt for an extra hour of sleep. Maybe someday when writing comes naturally and I have fewer things on my plate, 1000 words/day would be doable, but that time is not now.

I have dozens of 50-90% written blog posts somewhere archived in my google docs. The topics are all over the place--startup lessons, education reform, travel experiences, psychology, and life values. Many of them are long and took days to write. Sure, I could finish them, but the last 10% takes half the time, and I have little to gain from publishing a post that will get only a few hundred views and no comments.

So here's an experiment I want to try out: write and publish a paragraph of juicy, rich meat 3-4 days a week. This would minimize boring revision time, force me to be concise, and train me in writing what is essentially an elevator pitch.

Would it make a great blog? Probably not. Would people read it? I don't really care. Would it make me holistically a better writer? No. But releasing short, roughly-edited snippets is better than never releasing masterpieces.

My time limit is 15min/post, starting with this one.


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